Romero Lab:
Multitrophic Interactions and Biodiversity
Phone: +55 19 35216306
Address: University of Campinas, Department of Animal Biology
Institute of Biology, CP 6109, CEP 13083-970, Campinas-SP, Brazil

Prospective students
Thank you for your visit. I am interested in recruiting and supervising graduate students and postdocs. Admission to graduate courses is increasingly competitive. In addition, our lab receives many applications each year. Candidates of graduate courses are selected for their skills and interest in general knowledge in ecology and evolution, statistics and experimental design, in addition to the English language. I also recruit undergraduate students; they generally do not have their own research projects, but rather accompany older students to gain experience, knowledge and maturity to develop intellectually their own projects.
Members of the Romero Lab work on questions related to food web structure and dynamics, trophic cascades within and across ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial), climate change, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem engineering, animal behaviour, through manipulative experiments or surveys in the field, or through quantitative reviews (meta-analyses). See “Research” page for details on the research interests.
As a supervisor, I endeavor to provide my students resources (funds for projects), tools, advice and intellectual flexibility in the development of independent scientists. I expect students under my supervision to be collaborative, creative, curious, studious, and hardworking, as well as active participants in the intellectual environment of the lab, graduate course and university. Furthermore, I expect professionalism and that they are conscious members of the scientific community.
If you are interested in joining the Romero Lab at the State University of Campinas, send me an e-mail ( or visit me for a chat at the office #4 from the Department of Animal Biology, Institute of Biology. If by e-mail, please, provide a statement of your research interest within the research areas of the Romero Lab (see “Research” page) and why you are interested in working in our lab, as well as your CV.
Candidates for graduate courses: what to do?
I supervise graduate students at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and State University of São Paulo (UNESP). I advise you to visit the websites of these graduate courses (UNICAMP, UNESP) and examine the rules and regulations long before the selection exams. Don't miss your deadlines!
-Gustavo Romero-